Different Silences
I am still far from the end of the shelf of contextual reading that I’ve been slowly assembling at ersfjordbotn.wordpress.com but some emerging themes are promising (perhaps that means they reinforce my own prejudices?!). I’ve noticed several writers describing a...
Archival Work in Arctic Auditories
One aspect of our project involves exploring archives, and my colleagues will be looking at historical and meteorological sources to achieve this. Another aspect relates to the languages that address the Arctic and others will be adapting a glossary for this and...
Call for Artists (Norwegian and Northern Sámi -Davvisámegiella)
Søknadsfrist: 04.12.2023ta kontakt med katrin.losleben@uit.no
Arctic Reading List
Who am I reading? An Arctic Reading List by Angus CarlyleI’ve been slowly reading writings that overlap with the higher latitudes; keeping an ear open for references to sound and listening, trying to tune into how these are expressed and embracing texts that are...
Creating the artwork for Arctic Auditories – Background and Reflections
Hi, I'm Jane, the one behind the artwork for Arctic Auditories. I’m a self-employed artist and illustrator and joined this wonderful group of people and their project in 2022 to support the visualisation of their emerging work. My idea for the logo and background...
Soundwalk Week: A Prelude.
Next week is soundwalk week (try saying that five times fast), and we're looking forward to exploring new sites as we head into a new season. The leaves have not quite turned yellow and red, but rain has traveled North causing a constant tattoo of droplets turning...
Absence, Presence, Intrusion
Before heading to our next fieldwork spot a bit further north, we take an hour to reflect on our recent discussion on future research and prepare for the sound walk we will soon join. We are standing on the beach. From the café a little way away, voices...
Do you want to participate in our project between September 11th – 17th?
We are looking for people who want to join us in exploring the sounds of Tromsø. Arctic Auditories - Hydrospheres in the High North (NFR NFR 325506, 2021-25) is a research project that aims to map soundscapes around water areas in Troms/Sápmi. We need participants who...
Straumsbukta May 2023
This is a meeting of two bodies of water that connects the higher peaks of Straumsbukta with the coast. The many small rivers that have thawed (at last!), journey down the mountain, along fields of dormant wildflowers, patches of grass, chicken coops, tractors,...
Walk&Talk at Sommarøy
This weekend one of our team members traveled to Sommarøy to conduct a Walk&Talk with one of our guides. The weather was fast-changing, blustery snow one moment and sunny and quiet the next. According to the weather-report it was going to take a turn for the worse...