

Among our project group, the idea of floating—immersing our more-than-human bodies of water back into the sea to experience its aqueous multiplicity unmediated—had long been a topic of conversation. Within feminist embodied phenomenology, the bodily logic of gestation...

Sound Stream: A Journey

Sound Stream: A Journey

I first encountered live online sound streams around the same time I started to explore the many forms of online soundmaps (that are discussed in the previous blog). In 2006, I hung a microphone out of the window of what was then the offices of Creative Research into...

On Soundmaps by Angus Carlyle

On Soundmaps by Angus Carlyle

Me and soundmaps go back a long way. I’ve been avid – and frequently critical - consumer of these modalities of aural cartography for several decades. I have integrated exploration of soundmaps into my teaching, in recent years running workshops with the wonderful MA...

Notes from the Borealis Festival, Birgon 2024

Notes from the Borealis Festival, Birgon 2024

My name is Paula Ryggvik Mikalsen, and I hold a postdoc position connected to Arctic Auditories situated at the Institute for Gender and Women's Research at the University in Tromsø. I had the pleasure of attending the Borealis Festival in Birgon/Bergen, and I wanted...

Notes from the Tiny Conference

In the opening session, Thinking with Water – Thoughts on the Theory and Discussion, Katrin Losleben reflected on the project's genesis and the insufficiencies that became obvious during it. Katrin explained the project’s current understanding of two of its most...

New publications

Hello, friends. We're happy to announce that our soundwalking manuals and listening logs for guides are now freely available on ISSUU. Soundwalking and Soundsitting Listening Log for Guides Lydvandring og lydsitting Lyttelogg for guider

Arctic Auditories Tiny Conference

We're entering the new year with intention and reflection, and on Feb 1-2, we are gathering all our participants, guides, friends, and colleagues to join us for our Tiny Conference.  Each project member will give a short presentation on their contribution to Arctic...

Water, my companion

By Elizabeth Barron, Arctic Auditories research team member. By May 2023, we were well into Arctic Auditories. Spending all this time with colleagues focused on sound (something I have never worked on within my own scholarship) was starting to influence affect me. I...

New Project means New Notebook.

New Project means New Notebook.

Whenever I’m working on a project, I have a dedicated notebook on the go. I’m not precious about these as artefacts - at the end of each year, I type up and photograph any relevant pages before recycling. The images accompanying this post...