This is a meeting of two bodies of water that connects the higher peaks of Straumsbukta with the coast. The many small rivers that have thawed (at last!), journey down the mountain, along fields of dormant wildflowers, patches of grass, chicken coops, tractors, pallets, and a colony of seagulls nesting on the roof of the prayerhouse, to meet the waters of the cove.
The gentle burble in this soundbite instills, in me at least, a sense of comfort. These waters have had a long and slow journey to arrive here but this outlet is more a platform than a destination. To quote James Cameron’s latest cinematic installment, “The Way of Water has no beginning and no end. The sea is around you and in you.” To think that we can all carry this calm in us, no matter how long or arduous our journeys may be.
Hi Paula, I would love to participate in this. having just heard of your project via Eimear, I am excited to be involved in any way I can. Best, Siobhan